Joker and The Dolphins PART 1

Joker and The Dolphins part 1

When you visit a dolphin park you expect 
to see what else? Dolphin what you don't 
expect to see is a dog. But that's exactly 
what you'll find at this pretty beachside 
dolphin park in Israel. It took some time 
for the friendship between Joker the dog 
and his dolphin family to grow. Before he
befriended the dolphins he had  to charm the
dolphin park staff. The little dog first wandred 
into the dolphin park on his own and the staff 
shooed him away Group of tourists had paid 
to swim snorkel and dive with dolphin and 
there was no room for  a stray dog at the busy park. But the next morning the shaggy dog trotted down the pier again. He wasn't interested in any
of the people just the dolphin. In addition, Joker 
had never seen anything like them. He perched at
the edge of the pier to study the playful dolphin as
they splashed in the sea. Joker watched the bottlenose all day. And they watched him too.
Dolphin are naturally curious. Since he wasn't
bothering any of the tourists, the staff let Joker spend the day. When the sun set, Joker left the 
park. However, he returned the next morning to his dolphin friends. And the morning to see his dolphin too. The dolphin park workers couldn't
believe it. Like clockwork the dog showed up
each morning to peer into the sea at the  dolphins. 
Then one day Joker was feeling brave. He leaped into the salty water. Splash Joker wasn't watching 
anymore he was swimming with his dolphins friends. Now the dolphin park worker had seen it all. At first they were worried for the little dog.
What would the sea bound creatures think of this
landlocked animal now? The dolphins were surprised but Joker was a friendly face. Soon Joker and the dolphins were swiming together  every day like old friends.